wazifa for success in exams in english

Friends, today we will learn wazifa for success in exams in english in today’s Islamic blog post. Friends, who would be such a student who does not want to come first in the exam? Every student wishes to be successful in the exam. He likes that how his exam paper should be done well and how his marks should be best then imi motivation Islamic Blog has brought for you wazifa for success in exams in english and exam success dua which is very easy. Friends, this is a prayer for success in the Friends, by reading this prayer for success in exams, you can easily succeed in any of your exams, so let us learn what is the easy wazifa for success in exams with the help of today’s blog post.

wazifa for success in exams in english

wazifa for success in exams in english

Friends, there must be a question in your mind that what is the dua for exams? And to find the answer to this, you must have resorted to Google search and when you reached this post, then you have reached the right place, we will tell you what is the prayer for success in the exam?

I will tell you what is the Dua for success in exam in Arabic, it is a verse from Quran Sharif, it is a verse from Surah and Anfal, you guys might remember it, if not then let me tell you about success in exam. what is that dua in quran ?

فَإِنَّ حَسْبَكَ اللهُ هُوَ الَّذِي أَيَّدَكَ بِنَصْرِهِ وَبِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ

Friends, for those friends who do not know Arabic, I have brought this prayer for success in exams in English, remember it and start reading.

Fa inna hasbakallahu

huwal lazi ayyadaka binasrihi wa bil mu’mineen

Al Quran 8.62

The method of reciting this dua is that first and last, read Durood Sharif which you can remember and then read this dua 7 times to pass the examination. Inshaallah, may Allah make you successful in your examination. After giving it, implement it with confidence.

Friends, every studying boy or girl is in search of a wazifa to achieve success in the examination and the important thing is that whatever wazifa or dua he gets, he wants to study but he needs the implementation to be very small,

To come early in the examination, he searches for a small scholarship which does not take much time to study and he gets as much time as possible to study, lest the process of succeeding in the exam becomes so long that he takes up all his time. go

I especially want to say one thing to all my students that along with reading the Wazifa for success in exams, also study with all your heart, if you do not work hard and try as much as you can, then with the help of Allah Taala, you will not be in a good situation.

After working hard in the exam, go for the exam with complete preparation and also read Aane ka wazifa with confidence which I am going to teach you now, then see the magic, insha Allah, you will pass the exam.

Which dua is powerful for passing exams?

This wazifa is a wazifa for you to study before the result comes, that is, your exam is going on right now. Read your exam paper in which questions are asked at home before writing it.

If this is not possible for you, then do wuzu’ from home and after reaching the place where you have to give the exam, you can also sit in the examination hall and study.

You have to keep reading this verse of Surah e Yaseen whether you study it from home or sit in the exam room.

لَا ٱلشَّمۡسُ يَنۢبَغِي لَهَآ أَن تُدۡرِكَ ٱلۡقَمَرَ وَلَا ٱلَّيۡلُ سَابِقُ ٱلنَّهَارِۚ وَكُلّٞ فِي فَلَكٖ يَسۡبَحُونَ

For those friends who do not know Arabic, I am presenting this verse in English so that it becomes easier for you to read, that verse is as follows.

Lash shamsu yambaghee lahaaa an tudrikal qamara walal lailu saabiqun nahaar; wa kullun fee falaki yasbahoon

I hope you have understood, so read it a lot and share it with your friends so that they can also learn deen ki baatein in English.

wazifa for good result in exams ?

Friends, this action is only of three minutes but it will prove to be helpful in making you successful in the exam. Let us know its method.

1. On the day of your exam, you can do this before going for the exam. It will take very less time to read this wazifa.

2. Do wuzu’ properly following Sunnat and Adab and sit after spreading the musalla at the place where you have to offer namaz.

3 After this, a Surat of Quran Sharif, Surah Yaseen Sharif aayat no 40, which is mentioned above, has to be read 7 times along with Bismillah Sharif.

4 After this, pray with all your heart for success in the exam in the name of Allah.

5 You can do this as long as your exam is going on or you can do this on the day your exam is due, that is, you can do it on the day you have to give the exam.

6. When your exam is over, keep your connection with God and keep praying to your Lord for success in the exam. Insha Allah, your question paper will also be good and you also wish to be successful in the exam. Will be completed.

Dua for Excellent Marks in Exam

A person who wishes to be successful in any examination should recite this dua 21 times after every namaz.

اسْتَغْفِرُ اللهَ رَبِّي مِنْ كُلِّ ذَنْبٍ وَاتُوبُ إِلَيْهِ

Read this Durood Sharif three times at the beginning and at the end of this act.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلَّ وَسَلِّمُ وَبَارِكْ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدِ . النبي الْكَامِلِ وَعَلَى آلِهِ كَمَالًا نِهَايَةِ لِكَمَالِكَ وَعَدَدَ كماله

Insha Allah, by following the steps for success in this exam, you will get success in the exam and you will also get the result of this exam which you want.

Prayer for every kind of success 

Friends, I have brought this dua for you, which is small but its benefits are big. You can read this dua for success in business, home, job and exam. You can read this dua for every kind of success. Let me tell you that exam. What are the prayers for success?

Prayer for success in Arabic

رَّبِّ ادْخِلُنِي مُدْخَلَ صِدْقٍ وَ أَخْرِجْنِي

مُخْرَجَ صِدْقٍ وَ اجْعَلْ لِي مِنْ لَدُنْكَ سُلْطَنَا نَصِيرًا

I am writing this prayer for success in English for those friends who do not know Arabic. Read it yourself and share it with your friends too, if they also follow imi motivation 

prayer for success in english

Rabbi Adkhilnee Mud’khala Sidqiaun Wa Aqrijnee Muqraja Sidqiaun Waj’al Lee Mil’ladunnka Sultaanan Naseeran

Friends, now let us learn what is the meaning of this prayer for success so that we know what is the meaning of what we are reading.

O my Lord, enter me in the way you like.

and throw me out the way you like

And make me a helpful force from your side. (Al Quran 17 – 80)

Friends, keep reading this verse of Quran Sharif from before the start of the exam till the end of the exam and then till the result comes.

Insha Allah, with the help of the verses of this Quran Majeed, the reader will get success in the purpose for which it is read. Insha Allah.

wazifa for success in exam in English

Friends, now I am going to tell you a wazifa for prayer for success in the exam, which is the secret of my success in the exam, this is the practice. Let me tell you what that practice is.

First and last, read Durood Sharif three times, Surah e Fatiha once and Surah e Ikhlas three times.

I have also tried this practice many times in my life. Whatever problem I have faced in life has been solved with the help of this practice, especially the problem of success in exams.

One man says that I used to be worried all the time whether I will be successful by getting first rank in the class, so seeing my worry and restlessness, my mother told me this wazifa, I used to study it and go to class. I used to come first in the exam, what is the wazifa of success in the exam, I will tell you.

نَصْرُ مِنَ اللهِ وَفَتْح


You have to keep reading this verse of Quran Sharif, especially while going for the exam, recite this Kalimaat. Insha Allah, you will get success in the exam and you will pass with 1st rank.

What is the prayer for getting the result?

Friends, today I am going to tell you the prayer and wazifa for getting good results. If you read this prayer then insha Allah Allah will give you success and your result will be the best.

I am going to tell you that prayer but there is also a condition that you should try and work hard in your studies, study with all your heart and only then implement this.

This is the wazifa to get that result.

La Elah Illa anta Subhanak Inni Kuntu Minaj Jolimin

This is a dua, you should keep reciting this dua while walking, getting up, sitting, wherever you are, keep reciting the Durud Sharif at the beginning and at the end of the prayer, whatever you remember, read it at least three times, there is no limit to more, you can read as much as you want. Is.

You should do this with faith and read this dua. Insha Allah, you will get success in the exam and your result will be good and you will be happy.

Prayer before the result comes in english

Friends, are your exam results also going to come? If yes, then I have brought a prayer for you before the result comes.

Everyone is worried about the fact that their result should be good, they should pass the examination with good marks, then friends, this scholarship is for you.

Ya Haseebu Benefits For Exam

You can read this wazifa for success in every exam, not only for school and college exams, you can do this for any exam in your life.

This action is given to you, you give the exam, you give the exam paper, after that, you have to do this action till the result comes, you have to do this action, there is a name of Allah Taala, ya haseebu (or Haseebu), you have to keep reading it without counting, friends, ya haseebu for exam, this action is You must read it, Insha Allah, it will be of great ben

This has been tried and tested by people, Insha Allah, with the blessings of this practice, your results will be good and you will be successful in your objective.

Wazifa for success in every work

Friends, every one of us wants that he should get success in every work and his every work should be done with ease, so in today’s blog post I have brought a wazifa of Allah ke naam for you, by doing this you will get success. all the work will be done

Be it to get success in the exam or to solve the business problem or any household work is stuck, you can do this to get success in every work.

I have received a message from a sister that I should get success in every work and she has asked that there are obstacles in every work of mine and I want to move ahead in life, so can you tell me some wazifa?

So, I answer them and teach you also that by doing this, every work of yours will be done with ease, but remember, you can do this to complete any legitimate work or to complete any illegitimate or haraam work. It is not allowed to read this wazifa

Ya Nafiu Benefits For Exam

So, I am going to tell you the wazifa to complete every legitimate work, remember it well and while implementing it, send it to others also so that they can also learn the things of Tak Deen.

Allah Tabarak Tala has many names, one of them is Ya Nafiu (or Nafiu), before starting every work i.e. before starting every legitimate and noble work, first and lastly read Durood Sharif which you know how to do. Read the work three times, you can read as much as you want.

Ya Nafiu Time 20 Benefits For Exam 

Whatever legitimate work you start, first of all read Durood Sharif and then start that work after reciting Nafiu 20 times.

If you are giving the exam, then before the exam starts and before starting to write the paper, you should recite this name of Allah Tala or Nafiu 20 times. Insha Allah, your paper will go well.

And with the blessings of this implementation, you will be successful in the examination with good marks and if you are studying for some other work, that too will be completed.

Wazifa For Getting Good Marks in Exam

Friends, today every one of us who is taking the exam has this question in his mind that how to get good marks in the exam and what to do for it, so for you friends, today I am going to tell you the prayer for getting good marks in the exam.

Nowadays, the time of imtihan our exam is going on and I have started getting messages and calls asking me to help me in imtihan mein kamyabi and to get good marks in the exam and only those questions should be asked which we remember. Please tell me any action for this?

One thing you have to do is that before you sit down to memorize any lesson, you have to read it 11 times.

يَا عَلِيمٌ عَلِّمْنِي

And when you reach the examination room and when you go to give the paper and the paper comes in your hand then before looking at that paper you should read ya alimu.

And when you have given the paper and have written everything, then you have to recite this dua 41 times.

سُبْحَنَكَ لَا عِلْمَ لَنَا إِلَّا مَا عَلَّمْتَنَا إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْعَلِيمُ الْحَكِيمُ

And then pray to Allah and entrust your matter to Allah.

And after that, read one tasbih of Ya Haseebu daily till the result comes. Insha Allah, with the blessings of dua to top this exam, you will be successful with good marks.

Dua to get good results after exam 

Friends, today I am going to tell you a prayer for good results. If you read this prayer, Allah will give you success and insha Allah will give you success in the exam. So let us know what is the prayer for success in the exam.

Anyone who wants to get success and first position in the examination should read Iyya Kanaa Budhu Va Iyya Kanas Tain before Tulua Aftab.

And at night after Insa Namaz, read Musabbibul Asbaab 313 times and read Durood Sharif in the beginning and end and then pray to Allah for success in the examination. Insha Allah, with the blessings of this action, you will definitely get success.

Powerful Wazifa for Success in Exams

Friends, today I am going to tell you a powerful wazifa for success in exams. Before reading the wazifa, you have to work hard in your studies, otherwise you should rely on the wazifa.

And after that you have to read this Kalimat three times after every Namaz.

رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي وَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِي وَاحْلُلْ عُقْدَةً مِّن لِّسَانِي يَفْقَهُوا قَوْلِي

Rabbish Rahli Sadri wa Yasirli Amri Wahlul Auqdatan Min Lisane, Yafkahu Kauli

O my Lord, open my chest for me and make my work easier for me and open the clutches of my tongue so that he can understand what I say.


Q 1 What is the prayer for success in exams?

There are many blessings to pass the exam, one of them is this.

فَإِنَّ حَسْبَكَ اللهُ هُوَ الَّذِي أَيَّدَكَ بِنَصْرِهِ وَبِالْمُؤْمِنِينَ

Q 2 What is the Wazifa for passing the exam?

There are many tips to pass the exam, one of which is mentioned in this post.

You have to read verse number 40 of Sura-e-Yasin, Insha Allah you will pass.

Q 3 What is the wazifa for getting good results?

If you are giving exam, then before the exam starts and before writing the paper, you should recite this name of Allah Taala or Nafiu 20 times. Insha Allah, your paper will go well.


Friends, today we read wazifa for success in exams in english and learned many more dua for success in exam. If you have any question or want to ask any other Wazifa, then you can ask us through comment. If you liked the post and what did you learn, do share in your comment.

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