Hello friends inspirational stories of success in this topic in to days blog post 

Everyone wants success but being successful is not as easy as we think. Our hard work and right thoughts are behind our success. Today we brought for you two such inspirational stories of success and short success motivational stories  which will bring you success in life and will teach you how we can change our life. These failure-to-success stories will keep you ahead in life. So let’s read today’s two inspirational stories of success

inspirational stories of success

Why we fail – Success Motivation Stories for Employees

This tale concerns a business. It was suffering significant losses. This caused a great deal of distress for the company’s owner and staff because it stopped both their personal and professional growth.The company’s owner posted a note on the gate of the business one day. On which it was written, We will all gather in the Auditorium after an hour to mourn that employee’s death last night, which prevented this company and you from growing.

All the workers were both thrilled and sad after hearing this. They were grieving the loss of a loved one, but they were also relieved that the person, for whom they had so much love, was no longer with them in this world. Both of their businesses failed to expand. Every employee was curious to find out who that individual was as well.

All of the personnel arrived in the Auditorium after an hour. Each employee had the opportunity to view the person in the coffin that was maintained in the theater, but whenever an employee peered into the coffin, he would be disappointed and would bow his head as he left.

Whoever glanced into that coffin would see his own face because it contained a mirror. The employees realized that the company’s growth is stalling not because of anyone else but because of the people who work there after seeing themselves in that coffin.

This short story teaches us that we are the only ones to blame for our failure. We cannot advance if we do not put all of our attention into what we do. Nobody can advance in life by being idle.

It doesn’t matter if you own your own business or work for a firm. What counts is how seriously and diligently you take your task. In the same way that a firm cannot expand if every employee becomes slack, neither can we if we fail to put out effort in our own work.

Many people still experience failure simply as a result of not giving their work their all, doing too little, and being careless with it. If you want to succeed in life, put in a lot of effort at work, don’t cut corners, and always give it your all. Keep in mind that persistence will eventually pay off

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Motivational Story For Success In Life

It was the final lap of a race that had previously been going place. The competitor who was leading and moving quickly dropped back and fell behind the others. The announcer added, Now he will not be able to win the race or to come first, after observing the racer fall.

Hearing this, the competitor thought to himself, The race is not over yet, and I have not lost yet.” He stood up and started running as hard as he could, and in the end, he finished third and won the race.

This small motivational story teaches that victory is possible as long as there is hope. It doesn’t matter whether you come first or last. What is important is that hope which forces you to run in the race of life all the time. Getting success in whatever work we do is our victory.

In life, there will be many people both in front of and behind us. However, we compete with ourselves rather than those individuals. We must stumble in the race of our lives, get back up, and never lose heart of winning.

Sylvester Stallone – inspirational stories of success

One of the most motivational success stories is that of Sylvester Stallone. He was practically a starving artist prior to his success. He performed odd jobs to pay the bills for many years both during and after his undergraduate years. And to keep his hopes of being a successful actor alive, he would do all of this while accepting any acting gigs he could find.

Stallone would fight this battle for a long time—seven years, to be exact. He would land a few small roles in a few movies over the course of those seven trying years. However, none of them were impressive enough to launch his career.

He struggled for seven hard years and experienced extreme poverty throughout that time. At one point, Stallone was in such a financial bind that he was forced to sell his wife’s jewelry. Even his dog had to be sold because he was unable to feed him. Things deteriorated to the point where he was briefly forced to live on the streets.

But his days of adversity as a budding performer were numbered. He would ultimately succeed after more than seven years of facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles. And he would have this chance after succeeding in getting a script, which he had written in a three-day burst of inspiration, in front of two notable Hollywood directors.

Sylvester Stallone’s career would take off after he negotiated the lead role in the movie that would become known as Rocky,and it was this pivotal event that would change the course of his life.

Success inevitably finds those who consistently strive for it. You may read a more thorough explanation of Sylvester Stallone’s motivational success story here.

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Oprah Winfrey – inspirational stories of success

The success story of Oprah Winfrey is really unusual. She was exposed to hardship and poverty at a young age that most people would find difficult to overcome. She was raised in a broken home in a little town in Mississippi. Her parents, who had her when they were only 18 and 19, divorced not long after she was born. She was eventually taken in by her grandmother as a result.

Furthermore, her grandmother was not your normal loving grandmother. Instead, she was a strict grandma who punished her severely for even the smallest transgressions. But she moved back with her mother when she was six, so the hardship and regimented way of life weren’t permanent.

Oprah was molested by some family members as young as 9 years old, which led to her experiencing sexual assault at a young age. Because she had experienced emotional abandonment, abuse, and molestation, she eventually began engaging in exceedingly dangerous behaviors. She engaged in actions that ultimately resulted in her being pregnant at the age of 14.

She was then expelled from the family by her mother after becoming pregnant. After moving in with her father, Oprah lost the child a week after he was born.

It goes without saying that Oprah’s early life was filled with hardship, tragedy, and struggle. Despite all of her difficult circumstances, she made the decision to change her life after the death of her child. She made the decision to dedicate herself to pursuing her aspirations, improving herself, and earning an education.

She made the decision to begin loving herself, trusting herself again, and choosing actions that would enhance rather than destruct her life. She eventually gained the confidence to compete in a beauty competition. And it was her participation in this pageant that ultimately paved the way for her to land a job reporting the news for a radio station.

Oprah’s passion for public speaking paved the way for her continuous success as a news anchor. She later used this skill to host a TV chat show in Maryland, which finally led to her hosting her morning talk show in Chicago.

The rest, as they say, is history. Oprah overcome enormous obstacles when she was young. challenges that exclude far too many individuals. With her own self-titled talk program, The Oprah Winfrey show, she made the decision to transform her scars into wisdom and went on to become one of the most successful talk show hosts in history (while inspiring many others to do the same). One of the wealthiest self-made women in America today is Oprah.

Read More Real Life Inspirational Stories

Arnold Schwarzenegger – Inspirational Stories Of Success

We wouldn’t dare leave Arnold Schwarzenegger out of our collection of success stories because he personifies the self-made man. Austria is where Arnold was born and reared. The nation was still recovering from its defeat in World War II as he was growing up.

Alcoholism was widespread, defeatism was the rule, and grandiose dreams were mocked in his neighborhood. Young Arnold had no doubts that the deck was stacked against him.

But Arnold didn’t seem to mind. He was aware that he didn’t want to lead the conventional Austrian life that his parents desired for him. Because America is the “land of the free,” he also knew he wanted to settle there.

As a result, he devised a strategy to succeed in bodybuilding. then to use that success to break into the film industry. And indeed, he did exactly that. He went on to realize his dream by winning the Mr. Universe competition at the youngest age ever, followed by five additional Mr. Universe championships and seven Mr. Olympia crowns.

He committed himself to the acting profession he had always desired after accomplishing his goals in the sport of bodybuilding. Indeed, he would go on to dominate the cinema industry in a similar manner to how he dominated the bodybuilding world. He would then go on to star in a number of box office hits that would profit over $3 billion, giving him one of the biggest net worths in Hollywood.

JK Rowling – Inspirational Stories Of Success

Early on, J.K. Rowling dreamed of being a writer. But it would take her many years of perseverance before her goal of becoming a published author came true. Her mother’s passing would divert her almost as soon as she made the decision to start putting her book thoughts on paper.

After experiencing a depressive episode, Rowling decided to look for employment as a teacher abroad. She married and had a child shortly after, which further delayed her objectives.

However, Rowling’s life was far from over because her marriage, which had only been underway for a year, ended suddenly. As a result, she lost her work and had to rely solely on unemployment benefits to support herself and her child.

Rowling persisted in finishing her novel despite her obstacles, nevertheless. She accomplished this by writing whenever she had a moment while her child napped. Up until the day she finally finished writing her manuscript.

Of course, challenges persisted even after Rowling finished her novel. Her novel was rejected by 12 publishers. Her spirits were low as a result of the rejection, and she nearly gave up. Fortunately, she gave it another go. And that’s when J.K. Rowling’s luck changed for the better. She eventually discovered a publisher who would take her manuscript.

J.K. Rowling is currently among all-time’s best-selling authors. She is also the world’s highest-paid novelist. With over 600 million copies sold, her books have been translated into over 80 different languages. Clearly, patience and tenacity are beneficial in the long term.

Steven Spielberg – Inspirational Stories Of Success

Most people are unaware of the fact that Steven Spielberg received three rejection letters from film schools. Nevertheless, he persisted in applying until he was accepted, refusing to let those rejections deter him.  He was eventually admitted into the film program at Cal State Long Beach. 

Spielberg would later take use of his chance at Cal State to secure an unpaid internship at Universal Studios, which was fortunate for him. 

This internship wouldn’t last forever, of course, but it was just long enough for him to learn how to enter the studios covertly and continue learning about what it would take to succeed in the industry. 

He would eventually succeed in getting a movie he produced into the hands of movie producers. However, he had to initially resist numerous attempts by the producers of the movie to have him give up.

The executives ultimately gave in and let him shoot his film after repeatedly telling him that the film size was incorrect and requiring him to remake the entire demo to the suggested sizes. Major accolades would be given to the film, which also cemented Steven Spielberg’s reputation in the business.

Currently, Steven Spielberg is among the most significant filmmakers in history. In addition, he is currently among the wealthiest. And among all of our motivational success tales, his tale in particular demonstrates that if you pound on the door repeatedly and tenaciously enough, it will finally open for you.

Mary Kay Ash – Inspirational Stories Of Success

Mary Kay Ash’s success story is incredibly motivating. She was just 17 years old when she got married and began a family. She was born in a small Texas town. She then married a military man, with whom she had three children, but the marriage finally broke down.

For years, Mary Kay would struggle to care for her kids on her own. She nevertheless accepted a number of sales positions in the direct selling sector and worked to advance in the corporate hierarchy.

After years of working as a product salesperson and serving in middle management and trainer positions, she began to believe that, as a woman, she was being passed up for increasingly important leadership positions. She finally made the decision to act independently as a result.

At the age of 45, Mary Kay Ash made the decision to start her own business after her children left the house and moved out on their own. She then established her own cosmetics business. She began out tiny, but in a very short period of time, she managed to grow Mary Kay Cosmetics into a multi-billion dollar company that continues to this day to serve and empower individuals all over the world.

Mary Kay continued to write best-selling books like The Mary Kay Way, Miracles Happen, and You Can Have It All despite being past what most people would consider her prime, and she inspired countless women. She also became a multi-millionaire and was eventually crowned “The Greatest Woman In Business” as a result of the success of her company and her goal to inspire as many people as possible.

Read More what Is The Best Moral Story 

Cristiano Ronaldo – Inspirational Stories Of Success

Cristiano Ronaldo was raised in a family that struggled to make ends meet. Due to their poor financial position, he had to share a room with three of his brothers when he was a child. They sometimes even lacked the funds to purchase a soccer ball so he could play on the streets. But Ronaldo refused to allow his surroundings determine his fate.

No, he would still find a way to participate in the sport he loved. To create a makeshift ball so he could play, he would use bottles, rags, or pretty much anything he could find. 

Cristiano would eventually become so skilled at soccer that, at the age of 11, he would have to make the ultimate sacrifice and leave his family behind in order to train with a renowned soccer academy, which was located more than 500 miles away. It’s fortunate that he did, too, as it placed him on the path to one day being one of the greatest players in history.

The Portuguese Football Federation currently regards Cristiano Ronaldo as the best Portuguese player of all time.  He is regarded as the best of all time by millions of soccer fans worldwide. 

He also has one of the highest net worths among professional sportsmen and is the first soccer player to ever earn more than $1 billion.  

You’ll adore this if you want to understand more about Cristiano’s motivational success story.

Lionel Messi – Inspirational Stories Of Success

While we’re talking soccer, we also have to bring up Lionel Messi’s success story because it’s equally motivating.  Here’s why Messi was dismissed from his soccer team at the age of 11: they deemed him to be too little.  He was also diminutive, although this was due to a growth hormone shortage that caused him to be much smaller than the majority of children his age.

Fortunately, Messi wasn’t discouraged by this.  Instead, he would put himself on a rigid schedule and inject himself with growth hormones.  He continued to inject himself with this hormone for a total of seven days, first in one leg and then the other.

For six years, Messi would continue this pattern.

The good news is that Messi’s perseverance and sacrifice were successful.  Due to his current status as one of the highest paid soccer players and his astounding net worth, as well as the fact that he has won soccer’s greatest honor, The Ballon d’Or, six times, he is regarded by throngs of fans as one of the best players of all time.

Michael Jordan – Inspirational Stories Of Success

We can’t forget about the man who many people regard to be the greatest of all time in basketball since we have discussed the greatest of all time in soccer. Now, the majority of people aren’t aware of this, but Michael Jordan already had lofty aspirations of being a great basketball player when he was only a sophomore in high school

He decided to take a brazen action and try out for the Varsity team. However, his coaches removed him from the group. They didn’t value him and didn’t believe he was prepared.

Jordan was particularly hurt by this rejection because of his unrealistic expectations. He was indeed so devastated by the rejection that he went home and sobbed in his closet.

Jordan picked himself up and gave everything he had for the JV squad, despite the fact that that rejection still pained him.  During the off-season, he trained like no other and gained four extra inches. He again tried out for the varsity team the following year. But the second time, he succeeded.

In addition to making it, he later emerged as the team’s MVP, was selected for the All-American Team, and subsequently secured a scholarship for college. You already know how things went on from there.

In his basketball career, Michael Jordan would amass 32,292 points. Jordan eventually became known for winning six NBA titles. The man who is today regarded as the greatest basketball player of all time also won five MVP awards.


This Inspirational Stories Of Success demonstrates that, as long as there is hope, success is attainable. It makes no difference if you finish first or last. What matters is the hope that compels you to always compete in life’s race. Our win is achieving success in all of our endeavors.In life, there will be a lot of people both in front of and behind us. However, we compete with ourselves rather than those individuals. We must stumble in the race of our lives, get back up, and never lose heart of winning.

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