Short Inspirational Story on Daughter’s Day

It’s almost daughter day short story, my dear. Cindy enquired, “What would you like to do on that day?” Anything you want, mum,” her daughter Vivian responded as she looked up from the sketching she was doing. Any plan you and Dad come up with has my support. But sweetie, it’s your special day, therefore you get to decide how to spend it. Cindy advised that you spend the day with your closest friend at Audrey’s place if you’d like. Vivian grinned and said, “No mom, I want to spend my special day with my family. When her father got home from work, she would talk about the day’s schedule. 

daughter day short story

daughter day short story – moral Stories 

Cindy’s mother visited in the evening to meet Audrey. Why don’t our two families get together and devise an amazing plan for our kids, ensuring that both of their friends will have a great time? asks Jen, Audrey’s mother. Cindy enquired, “Wonderful, what is your suggestion?” Let’s both go to the mall and purchase our girls things first, I suppose. That is very significant. “Yes, I’m available at 11, I’ll meet you at your home, and we’ll tour the best shops at the mall,” she said. 

The two mothers went shopping the following day for similar dresses, shoes, handbags, and bouquets of flowers for their daughters. Cindy questioned, “What about the other plans?” as she sipped coffee at the food court. “My suggestion is to make your special chicken quiche, which both of the girls adore, and serve it with pancakes for breakfast in my garden.” Good, Sunday will start off special, thought Cindy. Oh, I also have a fantastic idea. Why not have lunch at Sophie’s? Her menu features delicious treats. Jim does enjoy her lamb chops, indeed. Cindy said, “And Dan likes her steaks.

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Let’s go a movie that’s playing at Elite in the afternoon,” proposed Jen. “Oh! I adore your scheme. At Rose’s cafe, we can enjoy tea in the evening and play some Scrabble. “Okay, let’s follow through with our plan and tell the dads. Jen gave Cindy a hug and said, “See you, Cindy. I have to run back to prepare dinner. 

The daughters were unaware of their families’ preparations for the day when Sunday arrived.

Breakfast was served in Jim and Jen’s garden to start the day. After the moms cleared the breakfast dishes, gifts were exchanged. 

After offering assistance but being declined, Audrey and Vivian headed to Vivian’s room to receive their presents. The two families gathered at Sophie’s for lunch before heading to the theater.

Vivian observed a girl her own age sitting alone at a table in the food court while they were having the team there. She had a glum expression on her face. 

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“Why does that girl look depressed, Audrey? Where do you suppose her mother is? She shouldn’t be depressed on this important day.

I don’t want any daughters to appear upset today, so why don’t we go ask her? After requesting an exit, the pals headed to the stranger’s table. 

Why are you sitting alone on your daughter’s day, excuse me? Where are your parents, Vivian questioned. “I am an orphan, therefore I spend this special day coming to this food court and imagining that I have a family as well. However, watching others with their parents also makes me sad.  It’s okay.

I appreciate your concern,” the girl added, grinning despite her tears. “Well, our parents are both present. Meet us here. What’s your name, by the way?”

Audrey enquired. The girl said hesitantly, “It’s Roxene. Roxene was brought to their table by the two friends.

“This is Roxene, mom and dad. Can she come to tea with us?” Audrey enquired. The four adults echoed one another, “Why not?” 

With each burger, the seven of them sipped tea, coffee, or milkshakes. Audrey questioned Roxene, “Where do you live?”

At my foster parents’ house, but they are away from their children for the day. Vivian questioned, “Oh and why didn’t they take you with them?”

Roxene stated with a melancholy smile, “They intended to spend daughters day with their two daughters. Oh, I see. They don’t also think of you as their daughter.

That is improper. “Mom, could we have a quick private conversation?” Pulling her mother’s hand, Vivian beckoned, “Come with me.”

What do you mind very much if I ask you for another gift on this special day? she inquired anxiously as she pulled Cindy away. Yes, you can, dear. Cindy enquired, “What is it that you would like me to get for you?” Hu

“Mom, it’s not something you can buy. I want Roxene adopted by you. On Daughter’s Day, she will have a sister in me and loving parents who will never leave her alone.

Cindy grinned, “If this is what you want, we will give it to you.” After adding, “Oh wow mom, you are the best,” Vivian gave her mother a big embrace. Dan agreed to give his daughter the gift of a sister after the others heard this. 

Roxene initially objected, but after being reassured that she won’t be a liability, she accepted. “You’ll have company Vivian when I move to a new town with my family,” Audrey remarked. You two will be missed by me.

“Don’t worry, sweetie; we will occasionally visit Roxene and Vivian, and they are welcome to visit us as well. We’ll always stay in contact, Jen assured me with a smile. 

daughter day short storyThe trio of girls got to conversing in an upbeat manner. Roxene’s glum expression has been replaced with a joyful smile. 

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