10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons | Moral stories for kids

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When it comes to instilling strong morals in their children, parents’ secret allies are short stories. These stories capture young readers’ attention while inspiring their imaginations and teaching important life lessons. Learn how stories give morals life, promote self-awareness, and mold the character of developing youngsters in this succinct article.

The majority of parents frequently turn to short stories while attempting to teach their children a significant moral lesson. It not only stimulates their imaginations but also imparts life lessons.

Lessons are more fascinating and relatable when they are taught through short stories. Instead of just telling your child not to lie, explain what happens when they do by telling them a quick tale. It aids in their increased self-awareness regarding their choices and their effects. As infants get older, the moral lessons they learn from these stories aid in forming their character and moral compass. 

10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons

The Hare and the Tortoise, first – 10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons

A tortoise and a hare once became close friends. He once demanded a race from the tortoise. The hare believed he would win easily after observing how slowly the turtle was moving. He so took a nap as the tortoise continued on. The tortoise was already at the finish line when the hare awoke. Unfortunately for him, the tortoise won the race while he was dozing off.

Moral of the story

Actually, there are a few morals to this narrative that we can take away. Overconfidence can occasionally ruin you, the hare teaches. The tortoise instructs us on the value of tenacity. Never give up, even if all the odds are against you. Who is the most reliable in life is sometimes more important than who is the strongest or fastest.

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A dog and a bone – 10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons

A dog once prowled the streets day and night in quest of food. One day, he came across a large, delicious bone, which he instantly grabbed and took home. He observed another dog with a bone in its mouth as he crossed a river on the way home. He want the bone for his own use as well. The bone he was gnawing, however, slipped into the river and sank as soon as he opened his mouth. He went hungry home that evening.

Moral of the story:

Like the greedy hound, we will eventually lose what we already have if we are always envious of what others have.

The Hungry Crow. – 10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons

A thirsty crow was scouring the woodland for water after a lengthy flight. At last, he noticed a pot with some water in it. He attempted to drink from it, but his beak was too short to get to the water. When he came upon some pebbles on the ground, he carefully added each one to the pot until the water was nearly at the top. Then, in a hurry, the crow drank from it, quenching his thirst.

Moral of the story:

There is always a way if there is a will. If we look long and hard enough and don’t give up, we can find a solution to any issue.

Slow John – 10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons

John was a boy who was so sluggish that he didn’t even bother to get dressed. He saw the apple tree in their yard was loaded with fruit one day. Although he was hungry, he was too lazy to climb the tree to get the apples. He then waited for the fruits to drop to the ground while lying down beneath the tree. John waited until he was quite hungry, but the apples never dropped.

Moral of the story:

Being lazy won’t get you anywhere. You must put forth a lot of effort if you desire something.

The Grapes and the Fox – 10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons

A fox once wandered into a vineyard while looking for food. The fox drooled at the sight of the round, delicious grapes hanging in a bunch. But no matter how far he leaped, he was unable to grab it. He then excused himself, telling himself it was probably sour. He had to go to bed that night without eating anything.

Moral of the Story:

The majority of us frequently behave like the fox. We invent justifications when we want something but believe it will be too difficult to obtain. Instead of exerting ourselves, we persuade ourselves that it probably isn’t all that fantastic.

A bad duckling – 10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons

Being one of the most well-known fairy tales in the world, the most of us have certainly heard of this tale. The protagonist of the tale is a duckling who, ever since his birth, has felt alienated from his siblings. Because he didn’t appear like the others, he was often teased. He finally had enough and left the pond where he was raised one day. He went far and wide in search of a family that would take him in. Seasons changed, months went by, yet no matter where he went, no one wanted him since he was such an ugly duckling.Then one day he discovered a swan family. He looked at them and saw that he had become a lovely swan in the months he had spent searching for a family to call his own. He suddenly realized that he wasn’t a duck like the rest of his siblings and that this is why he has never looked like them.

Moral of the story:

We shouldn’t make snap judgments about someone based just on how they seem. Not everyone who doesn’t conform to social standards of beauty is necessarily unattractive. It’s time to recognize that each of us is lovely in our own special manner and to embrace our differences.

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The Poor Slave and the Lion – 10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons

A slave formerly endured brutal treatment from his owner. He eventually reached his breaking point and fled to the forest. He came into a lion there that was unable to move due to a thorn in its paw. The slave fought through his fear and removed the thorn from the lion’s paw. Once the lion was free of the thorn, he fled into the woods without hurting the slave.Later, when in the jungle with some animals, the slave was captured by his owner. The slave was then told to be thrown into the lion’s den by the master. The slave immediately recognized the lion as the one he had aided in the forest when he first saw it. The slave freed all the other animals after he was able to exit the den unscathed.

Moral of the story:

You’ll always find a way to benefit from the good you did. Therefore, the world will treat you kindly if you do good things and are courteous to others.

The Boy and the Starfish moral Story – 10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons

A timeless moral tale, The Boy and the Starfish,” emphasizes the value of making a difference, no matter how insignificant your efforts may seem. Here is a synopsis of the narrative,

There once was a young boy who adored strolling along the seashore. One day after a storm, he saw a great number of starfish stuck on the coast and unable to swim back to the ocean.

To save the starfish from impending death, the child started scooping them up one by one and throwing them back into the water. There are so many starfish on this beach; you can’t possible save them all, a passing guy observed the youngster doing. Nothing you do will change anything.

Unfazed, the child grabbed a different starfish and threw it into the water, saying, It made a difference to that one.

The lesson of the tale is that even seemingly insignificant deeds of compassion and kindness can make a significant difference in other people’s lives. It inspires us to do what we can to make a difference, no matter how small it may appear, and to not let the size of an issue deter us.

The Resurrected Lion – 10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons

This is the tale of four knowledgeable and clever friends. The fourth, Subuddhi, wasn’t particularly intelligent or perceptive, but he did possess a quality that his intellectual contemporaries lacked: common sense.

When the time came, three of the friends made the decision to look for job in other towns and cities. In return for their knowledge, they wanted to be paid. After all, if they weren’t going to use their extensive knowledge of the sciences and the Bible, it was meaningless to have it. The three friends did not want to invite Subuddhi because of his stupidity, but they did so because he was a long-time friend from their youth.

The four companions set out on a protracted journey, moving from town to town in quest of employment. While moving through a dense forest, they came discovered a collection of bones under a tree. They thought this was a great chance to show off what they could do.

With his skills, the first friend pieced the bones together to form a skeleton. The second partner recited a mantra when the skeleton was complete, which prompted flesh and meat to appear on it. It appeared to be a dead lion. Just as the third friend was about to put an end to the show by resurrecting the lion, the fourth friend stepped in. Subuddhi was aware that once it was brought back to life, the ferocious lion would not spare them.

The third friend, however, disregarded his advice, made fun of him, and went on with what was obviously a bad idea. As the third companion started to chant, Subuddhi immediately climbed a nearby tree to defend himself. This caused the lion to come back to life. As the fourth friend had predicted, the lion killed all three of the wise companions, but Subuddhi managed to make it back to the village alive.

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The village’s resident was an elderly man – 10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons

The community was weary of the elderly guy in the village, who was one of the unfortunate people in the world, always whining, pessimistic, and with a bad attitude.

He spewed more bile and his statements got worse the longer he lived. People avoided him because of the spread of his suffering. Even being pleased close to him was disrespectful and out of the ordinary.

He made other people sad.

When he was 80 years old, though, something extraordinary occurred. Everyone quickly became aware of the rumor:

The Old Man is happy today; he smiles, doesn’t complain about anything, and even has a new appearance.

The whole community had gathered. The elderly man was questioned and asked:

Can you tell me what happened to you, villager?

Nothing special about it exists. Eighty years of seeking happiness have resulted in nothing. I then made the decision to simply enjoy life and not pursue happiness. I’m happy right now because of that. – A Senior

The lesson of the tale is to forego pursuing happiness. Enjoy every moment of life.


Friends 10 Short Stories With Moral Lessons in this article subject 

Parents frequently and effectively use short stories to impart vital moral lessons to their children. Children’s imaginations are sparked by these stories, which also make the lessons more interesting and approachable. Parents encourage self-awareness and aid in forming their children’s character and moral compass as they mature by using stories to illustrate the effects of actions.

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